iPad Gesture Drawing: Unleash Your Creativity

iPad gesture drawing is transforming the art world by allowing artists to create quick, expressive sketches using their tablets. The key to mastering gesture drawing is learning the art of capturing the essence and action of the subject matter. This article compiles various YouTube videos to provide a comprehensive guide on iPad gesture drawing with expert insights and helpful tips. Let’s begin!

Avoid This Common Gesture Drawing Mistake

In this video by e r g o j o s h, the author highlights the importance of avoiding a common mistake in gesture drawing that can impact the final outcome. He starts by emphasizing the role of Skillshare Premium, a helpful platform for a variety of lessons and valuable insights. The video then delves into explaining how to use Procreate brushes and getting started with Procreate, ensuring that viewers are well-prepared for their gesture drawing journey.

Josh also touches upon other useful tools, such as Paperlike screen protectors, which enhance the overall drawing experience on an iPad. In addition, the video offers an opportunity for one-on-one guidance by joining Josh’s Patreon, where more in-depth advice can be given to viewers. As you learn from this video, remember to practice a great deal to overcome the gesture drawing pitfall. Credit: e r g o j o s h

Netflix Animator’s Take on Gesture Drawing with Procreate

This tutorial by Matt Jones, an animator at Netflix Animation, gives an insider’s perspective on the technique of gesture drawing in the professional animation world. Matt shares his experience using Procreate, as he works on warm-up gesture sketches during weekly life drawing classes held at the studio. The versatility of the iPad Pro and Procreate app allows the animator to create fluid gesture drawings efficiently.

In addition to the actual drawing process, Matt provides viewers an opportunity to explore behind-the-scenes content through his Patreon membership. Here, you can observe his gesture drawings, location sketches, and storyboards as study materials. Credit: Shot, Drawn & Cut

A Four-Step Approach to Figure Drawing with Gesture

In the video presented by The Virtual Instructor, the concept of figure drawing using gesture is broken down into a step-by-step process. This tutorial encourages viewers to draw the human figure in a loose and expressive style, focusing on capturing the subject’s movement and essence. The four-step approach to gesture drawing is clearly demonstrated with practical examples and explanations, making it easier for beginners to pick up the nuances involved in this form of drawing. Credit: Drawing & Painting – The Virtual Instructor

Gesture Drawing Exercise on iPad Procreate

Beto Lima shares a gesture drawing exercise using Procreate on an iPad in this video. The exercise demonstrates how fluid, quick strokes can effectively bring the essence of a figure to life. With an expressive and captivating soundtrack, viewers can see how effortlessly iPad gesture drawings can be created and improved with regular practice. Credit: Beto Lima

Mastering Flow and Line of Action in Gesture Drawing

In this tutorial by liminatii, the focus is on flow and line of action in gesture drawing. Procreate for iPad Pro is used as the drawing tool, and the video offers valuable tips, including links to useful resources. One of those resources is an online school that provides structured courses on gesture drawing techniques. Besides, you’ll find suggestions for practice platforms like Quickposes to help hone your skills further. Credit: liminatii

Common Mistakes in Gesture Drawing and How to Avoid Them

Here are some common mistakes to watch out for in gesture drawing:

  1. Being too rigid: Remember to remain loose and fluid in your strokes. Avoid being mechanical in your approach to gesture drawing.
  2. Over-detailing: The focus should be on capturing the essence and action of the figure rather than on adding excessive details.
  3. Rushing: While gesture drawing is meant to be a quick process, ensure that you strike a balance between speed and capturing the subject’s motion.
  4. Not practicing: Like any other form of art, practice plays a crucial role in improving your gesture drawing skills. Dedicate time to hone your abilities.


iPad gesture drawing is a unique form of art that combines technology with creativity. As you explore this world, remember that practice and patience are vital in achieving success. The videos compiled in this article will provide you with the necessary knowledge, inspiration, and guidance to excel in your creative journey. Happy drawing!