Procreate Problems with Apple Pencil: Troubleshooting and Tips

In this article, we will discuss common Procreate problems users may encounter when using their Apple Pencil, and provide tips and guidance for resolving these issues. We will feature a series of YouTube videos to guide you through the process and ensure you’re back to creating your masterpiece in no time.

1. Fixing Brush Problems in Procreate

Color with Kendi’s video, “PROCREATE BRUSH PROBLEMS (7 easy fixes you need to know!)” offers troubleshooting solutions for common brush-related issues faced by Procreate users. The tutorial covers fixes for pressure curve settings, skipping within strokes, tilt setting issues, canvas size problems, resetting brushes, unintended transparency, and “sticky” brushes. Kendi presents each fix in a clear and concise manner, making it simple for artists to apply these solutions to their work. Color with Kendi is a great resource for beginner and intermediate artists seeking expert guidance on Procreate.

Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

When using brushes in Procreate, some of the most common mistakes include not adjusting pressure curves, not considering canvas size, and not resetting brushes when necessary. To prevent these issues, regularly update pressure curve settings, choose an appropriate canvas size for your art project, and reset brushes when you encounter problems.

2. Apple Pencil Troubleshooting

In “Apple Pencil NOT Working??? / Draw with me ✨ Procreate | Riele,” Riele’s Day shares her experience of troubleshooting an Apple Pencil that stopped working shortly after purchase. The video is an excellent guide for anyone facing similar problems and offers insight into Apple’s return and exchange policies. Additionally, Riele demonstrates her drawing process, providing an excellent example for novice artists looking to improve their skills. Follow Riele’s Day for more helpful Procreate content.

Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

One of the most common mistakes users make with Apple Pencil is not fully understanding the return and exchange policies when encountering problems. Ensure you’re familiar with these policies, and don’t hesitate to seek help when needed.

3. Optimizing Apple Pencil Pressure Curve Settings

Jaywalker Pictures’ video, “Best Apple Pencil Settings for Procreate: Pressure Curve Explained,” provides a detailed explanation of Procreate’s pressure curve settings and how tweaking them can improve your drawing experience. This tutorial is essential for artists seeking to optimize the performance of their Apple Pencil in Procreate and get better control over their strokes. Be sure to check out Jaywalker Pictures for more informative content on digital art.

Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Frequently, artists don’t adjust the pressure curve settings to suit their preferences, leading to a less than ideal drawing experience. To avoid this, spend some time exploring and adjusting the pressure curve settings until you find the perfect balance for your needs.

4. Procreate 5.3 Update and Apple Pencil Hover

Bardot Brush’s video on “Procreate 5.3 Update + Apple Pencil Hover: Everything You Need to Know” gives an in-depth look at the new features introduced in Procreate’s 5.3 update. The video covers brush and eraser previews, new brush size and opacity gestures, reimagined Color Drop, and more. Although Apple Pencil Hover is currently only availableon the 11″ and 12.9″ 2022 iPad Pros, all users can benefit from the brush cursor and Color Drop features. The informative tutorial offers valuable insights into making the most of Procreate’s latest update, so be sure to follow Bardot Brush for more helpful Procreate tips and tricks.

Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

One common mistake when using Procreate is not staying updated with the latest features and improvements. To avoid missing out on these enhancements, always make sure your Procreate app is up-to-date, and familiarize yourself with the new features to get the best drawing experience.

5. Apple Pencil Pressure Curve and Sensitivity Settings in Procreate

James Julier Art Tutorials’ video “Procreate Tutorial: Apple Pencil Pressure Curve and Sensitivity Settings” provides an insightful exploration into these settings within the Procreate app. James demonstrates how to adjust Apple Pencil pressure curve and sensitivity for a more customized and comfortable drawing experience. His clear and concise approach makes this tutorial a must-watch for artists striving to create seamless and immersive digital art with Procreate. Don’t forget to visit James Julier Art Tutorials for more helpful content.

Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

A frequent mistake made by artists is failing to optimize Apple Pencil pressure curve and sensitivity settings, resulting in an unsatisfactory drawing experience. To overcome this issue, spend time adjusting these settings to suit your personal preferences and create a more enjoyable digital art experience.


Resolving Procreate problems with your Apple Pencil doesn’t have to be a headache. By following the tips and advice presented in these videos, you’ll be well-equipped to troubleshoot and resolve issues, optimize your drawing experience, and create stunning digital artwork with ease. Remember, practice makes perfect. So keep refining your skills, experimenting with settings, and don’t be afraid to seek help when needed. Happy drawing!

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